10 stylish pairs of blue light blocking glasses for 2021

If your Whatsapp groups are anything like mine right now, they're probably littered with selfies of your mates in their new blue light blocking glasses. Blue light glasses are not only a modern day necessity but the next must-have Zoom accessory, reducing the eye fatigue and strain caused by near-constant exposure to blue light while upgrading your video call #lewk in an instant. And sales have doubled during the pandemic. While it's undeniably better to cut your screen time altogether if you want to reduce the negative impacts of blue light exposure, in the midst of a national lockdown, doing so is not always realistic. We're working from home - often for longer hours than we'd work for in the...

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Best Blue Light Glasses for Gamer Girls

As gaming glasses become more popular, a huge number of blue light glasses for gamer girls have been created by Teddith. How do you tell which are the best? Gaming glasses are a new and essential accessory for any serious gamer girl, or anyone who spends a lot of time staring at screens. As we all spend more and more time on computers and other devices, there is evidence that the blue light from screens is related to macular degeneration, and more people suffer from eye strain and screen-headaches. Blue-light cancelling glasses for gamer girls reduce the amount of blue light streaming into the wearer's eye, ultimately helping to maintain sharp perception of what is happening on screen. As a...

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The Stay At Home Routine

This pandemic puts us all in an interesting position. With many of us quarantined and practicing social distancing we find ourselves spending more and more time at home. For those of us that are fortunate enough to continue working our office jobs from home, we are being forced to adjust to a new way of life. Your morning routine seems to become much shorter when you don't leave the house every day. No need to iron shirts and slacks for work. No need to pack a lunch. It may be only a matter of minutes from the time your alarm goes off in the morning to the time you boot up your work computer for the day. Winding down your...

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Reasons Why You Should Wear Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Take a moment to think about all the time you spend looking at a screen throughout your day. As I write this post the weekly notification pops up on my phone screen alerting me that I have spent an average of 3 hours per day on my phone. That seems like a lot. It is especially shocking when you consider that even just 10 years ago smartphones were still considered cutting edge and few people had them. Today: they are in our pockets and purses everywhere we go, and they have our constant attention. And it's not just phones that catch our eyes, many of us work in offices where another 8+ hours of screen time is expected each day...

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I Wore Blue Light Blocking Glasses Every Day for a Week — Here’s What I Learned

If you strain your eyes looking at screens all day, these might be worth a shot. I'd heard of blue light blocking glasses before: They were yellow, ugly, and not worth the laughter I would get from both roommates and coworkers if I wore them regularly. But, I had a problem: For my job, I needed to spend a minimum of eight hours a day staring at a computer screen. Plus, unfortunately, in my downtime after work, I would often find myself staring at another, smaller screen: the rectangle of my iPhone 7, which would constantly beam more blue light into my face. I often felt like my eyes were red and tired by the end of the day, and...

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